Accepting orders for pickup on Tuesday Sept 20. Online store ordering closes at noon Thursday Sept 15.

Earl Grey Tea

Pureblend Tea

Regular price $7.99

A favorite blend of black tea and oil of bergamot, with hints of citrus. Delicious hot, or iced. Each tea sack infuses a flavorful 16-ounce mug or travel-sized cup.

10 sacks per container. 



Pureblend Tea's founder Kari had the idea to blend her own herbs and teas together from a desire to relieve common ailments without taking over-the-counter drugs. As a certified yoga teacher, she embraces the concept of balance in her approach towards health and nutrition. After many nights of sipping and brainstorming over the freshest, purest ingredients, eight blended teas were born as well as the company name: Pureblend. Pureblend is now served at growers markets, select shops near West Chester, PA, and many retail outlets, cafes, and coffee shops across the region. In 2013, they opened a magical Tea Bar in the Lancaster Central Market.